Dustin McClone's
Case Study

Client Company: McClone
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The Numbers

Almost 1 Million Content Views in a Traditional Industry!
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The Challenge

Dustin McClone is more than your usual CEO. Apart from being part of the 1% of insurance brokers with his company McClone, he is also a public speaker and podcaster, and founder of hustleleaders.com. However, Dustin had a problem, he needed to increase his network substantially, and that led him to BAMF.

We made sure that even in a traditional space like insurance, he was able to make a mark and inspire thousands along the way. This is how we did it.

The Results

Dustin wasn’t able to just expand his network, he was able to connect with the right people. In 2023, we were able to help him reach out to almost 2,800 connections with a connection rate of 30.60%. However, it didn’t just stop there, we were able to get 30.57% reply rate out of those connections, further cementing his position as key opinion leader in the space.

That’s not all, he got close to a million views in 2023. Given that the traditional nature of the industry and the limited audiences, this represented a tremendous uplift in the numbers that he used to be doing.

He managed to expand his reach, connect with close to 300 people he could collaborate with, and come 2024, he was positioned as a thought leader in his space.

Unlock the power of LinkedIn and take your business to new heights with BAMF. Our proven strategies for creating engaging content and building meaningful connections will help you become a LinkedIn Influencer.

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Standing out with Profile Optimization



A well-crafted LinkedIn Profile can make a world of a difference. We'll position you as an industry leader with a polished presnce so you can present yourself in the best light and attract qualified, ready-to-convert leads.

Content that Attracts Potential Clients

Our content uses attention-grabbing, emotional keywords that are sure to bring thousands of eyes to your profile and business. Your stories will provide an emotional connection that your readers will releate and empathize with as we reach out and start meaningful conversations with them.


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