LinkedIn skills endorsements are great social proof.
They’re not only easy to understand – the more you have the better – but they’re also easy to give out and receive.
If you only have a couple of endorsements on your skills, then you’re missing out. In this guide, we want to show how to get more LinkedIn endorsements, showing prospects that you’re great at what you do!
The Role of LinkedIn Endorsements
A LinkedIn endorsement is powerful.
When prospects visit your profile and end up scrolling down, they’ll find your skills. Next to those skills is a number representing the number of endorsements you have.
If you think about it, it’s almost like a poll of people who think you’re great at a particular skill.
Getting a large number of endorsements for your main skills is the goal, with a hefty number of endorsements for other skills that are related to them.
Here’s an example.
I specialize in “Entrepreneurship” and “Marketing Strategy”, so naturally those two skills get the most endorsements.
If you were to click “Show more”, you’ll also find endorsements for other skills relevant to “Entrepreneurship” and “Marketing Strategy” such as Digital Media, Start-ups, Social Media, Web Design, etc.
Having endorsements for these other skills shows your prospects that you’re well-rounded.
(You’ll find that I also have endorsements in the music category of skills because of my work in the industry a couple of years ago. ?)
Given that this is a number, the higher the numbers you get, the higher the perceived social proof you get for that particular skill that’s being endorsed.
They are a subtle way of showing people the other things that you excel in.
LinkedIn Endorsements Help You Open Conversations
We also like LinkedIn endorsements because they help open conversations.
Say, you gave someone an endorsement, and they gave you one back without saying anything. You can start the conversation by saying thanks.
This allows you to connect with people and even get the conversation started with your prospects.
How to Get More LinkedIn Endorsements Organically?
Over the course of your time on LinkedIn, you’re bound to get endorsements for your skills coming in organically.
This is especially the case if you’ve started to grow your connections and you’ve collaborated with a few of them.
However, getting your endorsements to grow without doing anything to stimulate growth, won’t get you very far.
This is the reason why a lot of growth hackers who are just starting out with LinkedIn resort to asking for endorsements whenever they can.
Here’s how you can pull it off:
Step 1. Ask Your Friends and Colleagues
The easiest endorsements you’ll get are from your friends and colleagues, they already know you and they probably don’t need any convincing.
Coming up with a messaging strategy is also fairly simple.
You can simply just drop down your favor during a conversation or hit them up via LinkedIn.
Don’t forget to reciprocate the endorsements.
That’s critical regardless of who endorses you.
Step 2. Reach Out to Your Former Clients and Connections
Your next step should be reaching out to your former connections.
This includes your old boss, people who you’ve done projects for, your old colleagues, and anyone you’ve worked with in the past.
We love this step because it also gives you a chance to reconnect with old connections and opens up many conversations.
Make sure you mention what project you were both involved in just in case they’ve forgotten and you want to give them an out.
However, there are rules that you have to follow.
First of all, make sure that you don’t force another person to endorse you. That’s a big no-no. Gently urge them to give an endorsement willingly.
Second, make sure that you don’t badger them regarding the endorsement. Your connections are busy, give them at least three days before you hit them up with a follow-up message.
And lastly, which is related to Step 3, make sure you endorse them first.
Step 3. The Rule of Reciprocation – Start Endorsing Other People
The other active way of getting endorsements is to start endorsing other people.
Think about it.
What would you do if you got an endorsement out of nowhere?
At the very least you would be curious, but wouldn’t you also feel the urge to give an endorsement back?
This is the reason why a lot of establishments offer you something for free, that act of generosity compels people to also be generous.
Giving is often rewarded by being given to.
So, look through your list of people that you’re connected.
Are there people there that are worthy of getting an endorsement from you?
Start giving them out.
We’ve found that the more endorsements we give out, the more endorsements we also get in return.
How to Automate LinkedIn Endorsement Requests
Disclaimer: We do not officially endorse the use of any third-party tools to enhance or automate parts of the LinkedIn audience-building & outreach process, as this violates their terms of service. Failure to heed this warning could result in permanent suspension from the platform.
If you’re requesting more endorsements via outreach, you can automate your requests by using one of Expandi’s powerful tools.
What you want to do is start a “Messenger campaign” on Expandi.
This will allow the platform to put your outreach campaign on auto-pilot messaging your connections for you.
After naming and creating your campaign, head over to “My Network” on the right-hand side, and in “Contacts”, click on Export and then, “Mail All Contacts as CSV”.
Once you do this you’ll get a CSV file, choose only the contacts that you want to reach out to at this stage.
Go back to the campaign that you created and import your cleansed CSV.
Send the CSV for processing.
Next, it’s time to stick in your message!
Once you’re done with your message. Set the campaign to go off and you’re good to go!
How to Automate Giving LinkedIn Endorsements
Disclaimer: We do not officially endorse the use of any third-party tools to enhance or automate parts of the LinkedIn audience-building & outreach process, as this violates their terms of service. Failure to heed this warning could result in permanent suspension from the platform.
If you’re looking for a quick way to endorse people then Phantombuster has an automation tool that you can use.
All you have to do is create an account on their platform – they have a free trial that you can use – and once you’re done, download their extension and look for the “LinkedIn Auto Endorse” Phantom.
You will want to connect your LinkedIn to Phantombuster using their extension. This acts as a way for the platform to access your LinkedIn.
Once you’re done, put in a list of LinkedIn profiles that you want to auto-endorse. This could be from an existing list that you’ve built in the past. Make sure it’s from a Google Sheet and the URL is editable.
Click “Save” to move to the next pane.
Now you want to tweak the behavior.
Keep the number of skills to 3, you want to endorse too many skills and abuse the platform. That has the potential to get you banned on LinkedIn.
As usual, Phantombuster integrates its Email discovery tool within its Phantoms and you can use that to enhance the data that you have.
It’s always nifty to have a list of emails to use with email marketing somewhere down the line.
To find out more about LinkedIn and email campaigns, read our guide here.
Finish up with your last settings.
You can just leave this area the way it is with default settings.
You will now be taken to a dashboard where you can “Launch” the Phantom.
And, just like that, you’ve endorsed your connections!
LinkedIn endorsements are a great way to boost your social proof and showcase the skills that you have.
But, that’s not all they do.
They’re a genuine way of opening conversations with your prospects and old connections.
They’re relatively easy to use, and they work on a lot of reciprocation.
That’s what you need as a growth hacker.
A lot of the connections you’ll make are based on what you give.
So, give freely!
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