Have you heard about Pixeling Emails?
In fact, not only can you be able to pixel emails, but you can actually go a step farther and HIJACK the pixel itself, but that’s a whole article within itself that I won’t get into. So in an effort to keep this short, adding the pixel to your email is as easy as including the following line in the HTML of your email:
<img height=”1″ width=”1″ style=”display:none”
Now if you saw my last post ( https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10210568657307398 ) about delaying the Facebook Pixel from firing on your sites to avoid polluting your re-targeting campaigns with the WRONG type of people, you’ll want to pay special attention to this next step.
Where is says YOUR_PIXEL_ID replace that with your pixel ID, but where it says YOUR_PIXEL_EVENT make sure you change this on EVERY email that you send, otherwise you’ll end up with a bunch of people who you know opened your emails, but don’t know which one.
I am not in the business of teaching you or my clients how to use a shotgun approach to get sales. I’m in the business of teaching you how to get SNIPER LEVEL accuracy.
So in closing ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS create unique IDs and re-target your campaigns accordingly. I don’t want you guys to be bleeding money targeting WRONG people.
( Also for those of you who are wondering where I got that line of code above, you can find it in the full pixel code you copy from Facebook, between the “<noscript>” tags. )
Thank you for reading and hope this helps you get greater results from your social media marketing efforts! Cheers!
Delaying Pixels
So without turning this into a course on how to fully integrate Facebook Pixels the right way, I want you to wrap your Facebook pixel javascript in the following code :
setTimeout(function(){ *insert Facebook pixel code here* }, 3000);
Now you are probably wondering what the above does… well it delays the Facebook pixel from firing by 3 seconds.
Why is this important?
Well if you’ve ever done any kind of marketing online, then you’re familiar with the terms “bounce” and “bounce rate”. It’s those cheeky fellas who hit your website from google or an ad. Then they immediately leave within seconds of hitting it. However, your Facebook pixel doesn’t know better. There have been several studies on the subject. It ineffectively markets your retargeting ads and future campaigns off the belief that this person is interested in your product. The truth is, bouncers like this include spammers, click jackers, and even some bots! These are all pointless traffic! You are now directly marketing to and getting charged impression traffic (and clicks) on follow up traffic. At scale, it can cost you hundreds to thousands a month!