Respond to Sales Objections with ChatGPT on LinkedIn

Respond to Sales Objections with ChatGPT on LinkedIn

written by Houston Golden
Founder & CEO, BAMF Media
August 25th, 2023
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Objections are perfectly normal in all sales pitches.

The only way around them is to keep your cool

…and make sure you can respond strategically and respectfully.

However, sometimes crafting the perfect response can be a little difficult.

Especially in the middle of outreach on LinkedIn.

That’s why we got to the drawing board and created the perfect prompt for you to be able to reply properly.

In today’s guide, we take a look at how you can respond to sales objections with ChatGPT like a pro!

Sales Objections are a Part of Outreach!

Here’s one thing you need to understand.

Not everyone is going to like your pitch.

Whether you’re selling your product for the first time or if you’re trying to get into a conversation with your prospect.

There will always be people that will say no to you.

And, that’s perfectly fine.

It’s all part of the process.

What’s critical is how you respond to their objections.

Here’s the thing.

Just because someone objects doesn’t mean you can’t change their minds.

You still have the ability to counter objections and respond nicely.

And, that’s what we aim to do.

However, we’ll do it in a strategic and respectful way.

Caveat: This doesn’t give you the license to be pushy with your sales pitches and outreach, sometimes you need to learn to let go of a prospect and move on to the next one.

Learn to distinguish which ones are actually cold leads so you can be more efficient and move to those that you can close.

Read more: LinkedIn Outreach Messages with ChatGPT in Seconds

The Prompt to Respond to Sales Objections with ChatGPT

This prompt is rather short, and it works only if your prospect has responded to one of your messages.

So make sure that you deploy only after you notice an objection after outreach.

This could be the lack of time, pricing, etc.

The prompt is pretty dynamic and can address most sales objections that are thrown at you.

You are a *what do you do for a living* reaching out to a potential client on LinkedIn who has already responded to some of your messages. The client could be interested in your *what did you pitch but raised an objection about *what is their objection*. You’ve noticed their recent post about *something that they talked about recently*

Your goal is to address their concern, provide relevant information, and encourage further conversation.

However, you want to keep things friendly, *add the tone that you want to use*, respectful and as concise as possible. Keep it to *number of* words.

As with all of our prompts over at BAMF, we first identified ourselves to give ChatGPT some context to work on. Context is critical here so that it can match the tone of someone who specializes in a particular field.

Next up, we added the caveat we talked about earlier, ChatGPT needs to know that there is an initial conversation in place, it doesn’t matter what stage that conversation is in, it just needs to know that this is not the first message in the sequence.

We move onwards to the pitch that you provided your client with and what their objection is, you want to be very detailed with these two. They form the basis of your objection response message.

Then we end this part of the prompt with some more common ground, this is to establish more rapport with the prospect and to show them that you are paying attention to what they are doing. This could be anything from a post that they put out recently to an achievement that was shared.

The meat of the prompt is to counter the objection and we want to do that in three parts:

  1. Addressing the issue
  2. Providing additional information
  3. And maintaining the conversation – is important so that the lead doesn’t go cold.

Following this are notes about the tone and the voice that needs to be used, you can expand on this if you wish.

Lastly, we added a limitation on the number of words that it should be producing. 100 words should suffice for a LinkedIn message.

Why did we add this?

So that you can reuse this prompt in an email or any other platform if you have to, and you might have been having shorter – or longer – conversations that you have to match and reply to.

The Output

For the sample output, we used generic copy to address a common objection which is pricing.

The output is pretty robust, although it reads like an email. However, you can tweak these factors during the prompt editing process.

Let’s take a look.

You are a digital marketing strategist reaching out to a potential client on LinkedIn that has already responded to some of your messages. The client could be interested in your in having a call with you to discuss strategy but raised an objection about pricing. You’ve noticed their recent post about their company.

Your goal is to address their concern, provide relevant information, and encourage further conversation. However, you want to keep things friendly, cordial, respectful and as concise as possible.

Keep it to 100 words.

Respond to Sales Objections with ChatGPT, Respond to Sales Objections with ChatGPT on LinkedIn


Always handle sales objections with grace.

And, learn to distinguish “hard no’s” from prospects who just need to be convinced.

Once you learn this balance, it will become easier for you to navigate cold outreach and prospecting like a pro.

Also, don’t forget to modify the outputs from this particular prompt.

Given that handling sales objections is an art form that has to sound as human as possible, you need to inject as much of your personality as possible.

Remember ChatGPT is only a tool with a prompt as your guide, but the real specialist here is you, and a tool is only as good as its user.

By the way, feel free to use this with any platform, during testing we found that it was effective in most platforms!

Read more: Sequenced LinkedIn Follow Up Messages With ChatGPT for Cold Prospects

About the Author

The name's Houston Golden. I'm the Founder & CEO of BAMF — a company I've grown from $0 (yes, really) to well over $5M+ in revenue over a span of 5 years.

How did I do it? Well, it's quite simple, really. I've helped hundreds of business owners and executives get major traction (because when they win, we win), I tell all on this blog.

Growth hacking is a state of mind. Follow along as I explore and expose the unknown growth strategies and tactics that will change the way you think about marketing.
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