How to Hunt Down Social Profiles of Your Competitor’s Facebook Group Members

How to Hunt Down Social Profiles of Your Competitor’s Facebook Group Members

written by Houston Golden
May 2nd, 2018
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<![CDATA[Want all the social profiles of your competitor’s customers?

In this guide, I’ll show you how to get it using Facebook Groups.

You’ll learn how to get their Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Twitter profile URL. Then you’ll learn how to auto-engage with them on those platforms. Are you ready? Let’s go.


Step 1. Join the Group or Fan Page

Step 2. Grab the Fan Page or Group Page URL – the Social Profile Search

Step 3. Email Extraction

Step 4. Other Social Networks

Step 5. Manage Your Social Media

Step 6. Add and Connect with Some Influencers

Extracting with Mailbiz

We’ll be using a powerful tool called Mailbiz to extract all your competitor’s customers from Facebook. This tool allows you to grab emails from Facebook fan pages, posts, and even your own profile if you have to.

Step 1. Join the group or fan page

Your first step is joining the group you want to extract emails from. We suggest that you create a new Facebook account or use someone else’s Facebook account if you feel like it.

Some people are apprehensive about letting their competitors find out that they’re stalking their groups.

It’s really up to you.


For Facebook groups, you can extract everyone’s email addresses. However, the application is limited when it comes to Facebook fan pages.

You can only extract the emails of people who have commented on posts and you have to install their extension to grab the emails of those who’ve liked/reacted to the posts.

Step 2. Grab The Fan Page or Group Page URL – the Social Profile Search

You need the fan page ID or the group ID to run the application.

Go to the group or fan page of your competitor and copy the URL that they have. If it displays a numerical code after the “” then you can grab that code. Check this example out:

, How to Hunt Down Social Profiles of Your Competitor&#8217;s Facebook Group Members

However, this is not always the case, fan pages usually have a tweaked URL. If you run into this, you’ve got an additional step ahead of you.

Take BAMF Media’s fan page for instance, it has a tweaked URL for branding and SEO purposes. A lot of your competitors will have this as well. What you can do is to grab the URL of BAMF Media’s page:

, How to Hunt Down Social Profiles of Your Competitor&#8217;s Facebook Group Members

Go to the Mailbiz dashboard and click on ID Finder on the left hand panel, now you will want to trim the Facebook URL to just “”, click on Find ID and copy the number that shows up in red.

, How to Hunt Down Social Profiles of Your Competitor&#8217;s Facebook Group Members

This number is the key to using the app right.

Step 3. Social Media Profile Email Extraction

This is the fun part.

Now that you have the unique code of the Facebook group, you can proceed to email extraction.

You will want to click on “Email Extractor”, then “Group Extractor”, paste the code into the Group ID field and click Extract. Give it a few moments as it works its magic, wait for the beep and then you’ll be ble to download the results.

, How to Hunt Down Social Profiles of Your Competitor&#8217;s Facebook Group Members

You now have a choice of downloading other details as well such as birthdays and phone numbers if they have those displayed on their profiles.

Mailbiz also has a feature called email verify, this is an add-on features that allows you to ensure that the emails that they generate are still working.

There are some people who have different email addresses for their Facebook and work, and some people have Facebook accounts linked to old emails.

, How to Hunt Down Social Profiles of Your Competitor&#8217;s Facebook Group Members

Now you can do a lot with these email lists. First of all, you can throw them straight into your sales funnel and start the lead nurturing process.

Alternatively, you can send them back into Facebook in order to reach these audiences with custom ads. This will allow you to make a quick impression on them.

But, there’s more.

You can even use Facebook’s algorithm to create unique “Lookalike Audiences” with the custom audience that you’ve uploaded using the email lists you grabbed.

This doubles the number of people you can reach while keeping the same social demographics as in your first list.

Step 4. Other social Networks

Instagram + Twitter:
For Instagram and Twitter following, favoriting, and commenting, I recommend Followliker. It’s the best automation tool online for these platforms.

In a few minutes, you can import your custom URL lists to auto-follow all your competitor’s customers while engaging with their content on an ongoing basis. That’s an easy win.

For LinkedIn, I recommend using the tool, Linked Helper. At BAMF Media, we use a custom tool just for this purpose as pictured below:

A tool like this one above only costs a couple hundred dollars to outsource.

Since you have their Facebook profile URL from exporting them from the Facebook Group in Step 1, it’s time to Facebook friend them at scale.
First, download this Chrome extension.

, How to Hunt Down Social Profiles of Your Competitor&#8217;s Facebook Group Members

Upload your exported list of Facebook URLs into this plugin.
Then click the play button.

Step 5. Manage your social media

You can use a tool such as Oktopost to help you out.


Oktopost is especially famous when it comes to B2B. It facilitates easy management and measurement across famous social media channels. It also supports professional network like LinkedIn.


(1) The tool supports social media sharing for profiles on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+.

(2) Oktopost can be integrated with Google Analytics. You can create campaigns and Oktopost automatically assigns tracking codes to it. The campaigns are then visible in Google Analytics.

(3) Easy to add and easy to use web browser plugin for Chrome/Firefox.

(4) The tool can be integrated with Marketo, Salesforce,, and  GoToWebinar easily!

(5) Direct people from social channels with the help of a form on your website. The form contains Oktopost code that enables you to track links.

(6) Monitor and respond to any content shared on social media with the help of a social inbox.

(7) On the basis of a keyword, you can set up a stream. It will monitor content from different channels.

(8) Easy analytics and report generation. The reports can be downloaded in Excel or CSV format. You can also create your own message templates that can be used while sharing content.


Step: 1

Connect your social media profiles with Oktopost. Like any other tool, simply verify and connect.

Step: 2

As per your license, you will be able to add team members to your profile.

Step: 3

The main thing begins now! You need to connect Google Analytics with Oktopost. We have already discussed the feature, Oktopost will assign tracking codes to the campaign or shared link.

The tracking code is known as UTM Code on Oktopost.

Step: 4

After Google Analytics, it is time to set-up other integrations like Salesforce, etc. Further, you may add lead capture. It helps in tracking the leads based on the content shared by you.

The lead capture code can be added to any subscription box on the site.

This is how you get started with Oktopost. But we have also discussed that the tool helps in sharing content. Let us know how!


Start by creating a campaign. But what is a campaign? All the content that you desire to share can be isolated in a campaign. For example, your daily news update or a day-to-day activity can be referred to as a campaign.

Once you create the campaign, share content. Choose the social networks that you prefer for sharing the content on. As per the selection of social media platforms, you will also receive precise analytical reports.

Apply filters/settings like immediate sharing or sharing at a particular time. A calendar will display the schedule content posting. This will make you realize the quantity, quality, and frequency of content that you need to come up with.

Other features like message assets, social inbox, streams, reports, and lead tracking are also available. All these features are easy to understand as well as use.

Facebook pages are dead, grow a Group

Facebook Pages are dead, if you want to connect with real people, you need to start leveraging Facebook groups.

You can use your Facebook Groups to repurpose content from LinkedIn over to a new audience, and building a group isn’t all that hard.

Invite your high-quaity LinkedIn friend over to your Facebook group and you can even get everyone you’re connected with to join.

You can use this Chrome extension to invite all your friends to join your group.

, How to Hunt Down Social Profiles of Your Competitor&#8217;s Facebook Group Members

Read More: Chrome Extensions All Growth Hackers Need

All you have to do is:

  • Set a 15-second time limit 
  • Pause before going above one thousand invites a day (If you dont you’ll ‘be penalized)

You can even create multiple Facebook accounts in order for you to target other types of friends and group these targets under different accounts.

Remember that you have to keep your group active in order for you to show up in suggested groups. This means posting highly valuable content at least three times a week so that the algorithm will pick up.

Supercharge your exposure and make sure that your bio, website and LinkedIn links to your Facebook group.

After that, mass invite your mailing list to your group and harness the power of ManyChat to lead the way!

Step 6. Add and connect with some influencers

Audiense enables you to find influencers on Twitter or Instagram in a matter of minutes. By using Audiense’s discovery features, you can filter through all Twitter and Instagram users by many demographics including follower ratio, locality, posting frequency, and bio keywords.

With one search, I can find the top growth marketers living in San Francisco who have Twitter profiles:

BAMF Find Influencers Article ImageWith another search, I can find all the top fitness influencers on Instagram:

BAMF Find Influencers Article ImageWhat happens when you have these targeted influencer profiles? It’s time to use a couple of tools to get their emails. All My Tweets is a free search tool for Twitter that can be used to find emails.

To use the tool, plug-in a username, then you’ll receive a page of all the person’s Tweets. Since influencers tend to Tweet out their emails, you can Ctrl+F “email” to find their email.

In the example below, I search for the SaaS and venture capital thought leader, Jason Lemkin’s email. Even though I don’t find his email, I find the email of his co-worker. Now I have an opening to get in contact with him.


BAMF Find Influencers Article ImageTwo other tools you can use include Email Hunter and Clearbit. If you have a list of over several hundred people, then I recommend outsourcing this lead generation process using UpWork.

How does it work? Use Audiense to export the list of influencers, then search for them on LinkedIn by name. When you find their profile, use Email Hunter or Clearbit to get their email, job title, company, and more.

If you’re looking to do co-promotion at scale or find the perfect fit with a specific influencer in your market, these tools will give you a head start. Don’t bulk email or bulk LinkedIn message them.

When reaching out, A/B test your messaging and use hyper-personalized copy to spark conversation. You don’t want to come off as another taker. You want to come off as someone who can provide value.

If you can do that, you’re ready to begin influencer marketing.

The Results

When I started building my brand years ago, I did this process manually. It’s the same process I’ve used to help bootstrap two companies to millions in ARR.

That’s why I’ve created these systems to help you save the hundreds of hours that I had to go through building traction channels. Social media profile search and extraction doesn’t have to be hard.

The process should take you no less than a day to set up. The power is in your hands.

Make it happen.

All it takes is a social profile search.


About the Author

The name's Houston Golden. I'm the Founder & CEO of BAMF — a company I've grown from $0 (yes, really) to well over $5M+ in revenue over a span of 5 years.

How did I do it? Well, it's quite simple, really. I've helped hundreds of business owners and executives get major traction (because when they win, we win), I tell all on this blog.

Growth hacking is a state of mind. Follow along as I explore and expose the unknown growth strategies and tactics that will change the way you think about marketing.
Connect with MeJoin the Facebook GroupFollow Me On Instagram

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  • Avatar for Houston Golden

    Fantastic insights on exploring the social profiles of competitor’s customers! 🚀 This post is a gem for anyone looking to up their marketing game. Kudos to the author!

  • Avatar for Houston Golden

    Houston. You’re a millenial HERO. For reals. 🙂

  • Avatar for Houston Golden

    Thanks for a great post Houston.
    Will the chrome extention extract the same data from those who like a given facebook page or is it built soley for FB groups?

  • Avatar for Houston Golden

    It’s just amazing to see how much knowledge Houston has, and how many growth hacking tips, tools and strategies Houston has created and freely shares with the world. My team at Bloominari, a San Diego agency (, closely follows that Houston is doing, and love his enthusiasm, knowledge and kind desire to truly help people use the Internet to it’s best. Thanks Houston!

  • Avatar for Houston Golden
    Rogerio Dalot

    Hello Houston,
    Did you have any problem to add friends at scale with facebook?

  • Avatar for Houston Golden
    Vadims Petrovs

    Great idea, but didn’t work (or takes ages) to download a list when you load more members by scrolling down the page.
    I was scrolling down for 3 minutes and then pressed to scrape – waited for 15 minutes and nothing.

  • Avatar for Houston Golden
    Vadims Petrovs

    Great idea, but didn’t work (or takes ages) to download a list when you load more members by scrolling down the page.
    I was scrolling down for 3 minutes and then pressed to scrape – waited for 15 minutes and nothing.

  • Avatar for Houston Golden

    Thanks for a great post Houston.
    Will the chrome extention extract the same data from those who like a given facebook page or is it built soley for FB groups?

  • Avatar for Houston Golden

    The FB friend at scale extension adds them to personal FB profile or as followers of a business FB page? You must be logged in FB? Please explain more

  • Avatar for Houston Golden

    The FB friend at scale extension adds them to personal FB profile or as followers of a business FB page? You must be logged in FB? Please explain more

  • Avatar for Houston Golden

    Houston. You’re a millenial HERO. For reals. 🙂

  • Avatar for Houston Golden

    It’s just amazing to see how much knowledge Houston has, and how many growth hacking tips, tools and strategies Houston has created and freely shares with the world. My team at Bloominari, a San Diego agency (, closely follows that Houston is doing, and love his enthusiasm, knowledge and kind desire to truly help people use the Internet to it’s best. Thanks Houston!

  • Avatar for Houston Golden
    Rogerio Dalot

    Hello Houston,
    Did you have any problem to add friends at scale with facebook?

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