Your certifications and licenses are just as important as your education on LinkedIn.
They highlight the additional training that you have and show prospects that you’re someone who’s well-versed in a lot of skills.
In this short guide, I want to show you how to add certifications to LinkedIn like a pro and get you the recognition that you deserve.
Let’s get to it.
Why Should I Add Certifications to LinkedIn?
Certifications and licenses tell your prospects a story.
Your degree might show them what you were interested back in university, but it’s your certifications that paint a complete the picture.
Here’s why.
When you get an additional license or certification, it shows people that you are working on a more specific set of skills. Not only does this indicate what you’re proficient in at the present, but it also shows them what you’re really interested in.
And, it doesn’t stop there.
These certificates are also a complement to the skills that you’ve already highlighted on your profile.
Say you’ve indicated that you’re a “growth hacker” on your headline”.
By mentioning your training in lead generation or marketing strategy, you can highlight that you’re educated in dealing with the challenges that your prospects might be having.
But, here’s the most important reason.
An updated license and certifications section is an indicator that you’re continuously striving to get better.
Prospects and potential employers love this.
Nothing screams professionalism and expertise than someone who is constantly improving themselves.
How to Add Certifications to LinkedIn
Step 1. Go to Your LinkedIn Profile Page
From your LinkedIn feed/homepage navigate to your profile by clicking on “Me” followed by “View Profile” on the upper right-hand corner.
Step 2. Add Section
This will take you to a new window where you can edit your profile.
Click on “Add section”, this will open a dropdown menu with a couple of options for you to add more details to your profile.
Navigate to “Background” and expand the selection, now click on “Licenses & certifications”.
Step 3. Add in Your Details
A new pop-up will appear where you can add in details of your license or certification.
You want to start with the name of the certification, followed by the organization that issued it.
A lot of certificates do not expire so tick the box labled “This credential does not expire”, but if it’s a license that has validity, you want to leave this box unmarked and stick in the expiration date at the bottom.
Make sure you include the “Issue date”.
Lastly, you have the credential ID – which helps legitimize the certification – and the URL of the issuing authority. Say, if you want to feature the fact that you completed our BAMF influencer academy, you can always use as a credential URL.
All that’s left is for you to click “Save”.
And, there you have it, you now have your certificate or license showcased in a section of your profile.
If you want to make edits, just go to the relevant certificates that you have and click on the pencil icon to change details.
It’s a quick and easy way to score plus points for your profile and gain a little more credibility while you’re at it.
Promoting and Leveraging It
LinkedIn doesn’t share this profile update, but you can take this new update and leverage it using status updates or even your outreach.
If you’re creating a new post you can add a CTA at the end that drives engagement.
Here are a couple of examples:
- “Let me know how I can help you”
- “Does anyone else have this certification?”
- “Anyone interested in the program?”
You can also create a new outreach campaign using your new certificate.
Simply tell your prospects that you now specialize in this field and you’re wiling to help them out.
Your licenses and certifications paint a complete picture of who you are.
They might seem small compared to the education or the skills section of your LinkedIn profile, but they play a special role in showing your prospects the new skills that you’re acquiring and getting licensed for.
You need to keep this section updated.
Looking for a new certificate or training that you can add to your certificates section?
Check out our LinkedIn influencer program here.