How to Conquer Sales Objections: 15 Script Examples & Tactics

How to Conquer Sales Objections: 15 Script Examples & Tactics

written by Houston Golden
Founder & CEO, BAMF Media
December 14th, 2021
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Sales objections.

We might hate them, but we’re always going to get them.

Sometimes they’ll come in before a pitch, sometimes after, and a lot of times in between the pitch itself.

They suck, but they’re part of the job.

But, here’s what.

You can always use sales objections as leverage to build better relationships, educate your prospects, and ease them into your sales funnel.

In this guide, we’ll break down the psychology behind common objections, tell you how to beat them, and even provide you with sample scripts you can use to make sure you minimize the number of people getting away.

Yeah, we got you covered today!

Where Do These Examples Work?

Out list of example scripts and tactics for sales objections are designed to work in most places where you’re directly engaged in conversation with the prospect in question.

This could be via triage or sales discovery calls, DMs on LinkedIn or other social networks, or even emails.

If you’re looking at using these sample scripts for longer conversations, such as emails, make sure to create a more customized message that expands on the script’s points.

1. “Let me think about it”

This is one of the most common sales objections we always hear.

Although your prospect might actually be thinking about the solutions that you’re offering, there could be a chance that they’re just stalling and you need to make sure they’re not doing that.

You want to be as efficient as you can with your marketing campaigns so think of this as a qualification step.

Be gentle but firm with your prospect.

Sure, thing! These decisions take time and I want you to be comfortable with them.

Let’s schedule a call next week on *provide a date* at around *provide tentative dates*

Looking forward to talking to you then.

*Make sure you send a form of lead nurturing during the week*

Here’s how to create an offer that always works!

2. “Not interested”


Seems like one of the lines that will make you give up and move on to the next prospects so you don’t waste time right?

Not yet.

There are still a lot of things that you can do.

One of the reasons they’re not interested is probably because they don’t know much about your solutions.

sales objections, How to Conquer Sales Objections: 15 Script Examples & Tactics

You can still make sure that you guide them through the funnel with some lead nurturing.

Here’s a quick sample script that you can use if this happens to be one of your sales objections:

I totally understand! Why don’t we get on a call this week to discuss a couple of ideas so that we can collaborate on something?

*Before the next call you can send them resources regarding the solutions that you offer*

3. “What’s your guarantee?”

Nothing is ever guaranteed

Even insurance companies have a fine print with their guarantees and so should you.

When a prospect asks for a guarantee make sure that you’re able to deflect it well and talk to them frankly.

The most you can do is provide them with the likelihood of something happening.

This is especially true when it comes to services that sell lead generation. You can tell them that they “could” get 200 leads, not “guarantee” them those leads.

Here’s a way to deal with it:

That’s a great question.

But, we can’t possibly guarantee that you will get *possible results* because that’s also dependent on other factors such as how you use our system and how the market is.

Why don’t I help you out and show you how model works.

Then, I’ll even tell you how our clients are able to pull off *possible results*. This way I can “guarantee” that you know how it works!

Keep it simple and casual – this is especially true for prospecting on social media platforms.

4. “Why do I need to get on a call with you? Why can’t you tell me now?”

This applies to prospects you’re communicating with via messages or email, and their questions do make sense.

They don’t want to waste any time and they want to know the bottom line.

Answering this question is pretty straightforward.

Our solutions will help fix the pain points in your organization, but we need to know specifics in order to provide you with customized solutions. We can’t provide a prescription if we don’t run any diagnostics.

Why don’t we schedule a quick call first, say five minutes? I just need to get specific details so that I can really SHOW you how we can *what your solution does* and provide you with actual numbers.

Sound good?

Yes, it’s that simple.

You don’t want to antagonize them and force them into a call so you need to be straightforward with your explanation.

Also, providing them with the timeframe of the call shows them that you respect their time.

5. “Who else buys into these solutions?”

People want to belong.

That’s why they ask questions like these.

But, sometimes they’re also indirectly asking for social proof so that they know what they’re buying into.

So, what do you do when challenged with a question like this?

You give them social proof.

The *industry they’re in* industry forms a bulk of our clients because it really helps solve the *common pain points that they have*. When you’re able to fix *pain point* then it becomes easier to…

If you want to be specific and entice them, make sure you drop the name of their competitor.

*Competitor name* and *other competitor’s name* use similar solutions, but they don’t take into account *unique feature that differentiates your product from theirs*. That’s the reason why they’re able to *what their competitor is doing right*.

Lastly, you can also narrow it down even more by using statistics.

*Statistic* of the industry use solutions like this. And, the data doesn’t lie, companies like *names of their competitors* have gained a competitive advantage with their growth because they managed to fix *what your solution fixes*

6. “I head that *your competitor” is doing this…”

First of all, you need to answer their question-like statement.

Are your competitors really doing something that is going to beat you or is your prospect talking about rumors that aren’t true?

By addressing their statements directly, you get to come off as honest, and this really goes a long way in building relationships.

If a competitor is doing something great then you can say:

That’s true, they’re really doing a good job with Product Y. *Pause* They’ve got the feature-set done right, but the way we go about it is a little more different with our product, Product X, we make sure that… *talk about how your product is far more superior*.

If they’ve heard a rumor about your product, be confident and stand your ground. Prospects love the confidence and will take it as a sign of your product’s worthiness.

That’s far from the truth. *Pause, then proceed with a concise and factual counterstatement*

Whenever they compare you, be gracious but confident.

Sometimes your prospects will use this as an excuse to rile you up and see if you can defend your product.

7. “I don’t need this yet”

There are a lot of variations to this statement and that’s alright.

Some prospects might say, they might not need it yet but they’ll keep in touch, while there will be a select few that won’t even give you a proper timeline.

A quick way of dealing with these types of sales objections is to try and keep the lines of communication open.

That’s alright, *client name*!

Do you mind if I keep you on our contact list and keep you updated in case you change your mind.

But, here’s the thing, that’s the “quick way” if you can confirm that they might not be ready to purchase from you.

How about if they’re just trying to play hardball or if they actually don’t know what they want?

sales objections, How to Conquer Sales Objections: 15 Script Examples & Tactics

Then, try a variation of this script instead:

That’s alright, I understand.

May I know if *ask a qualification question that you can fix with your solution*.

*Depending on how they answer follow up with how your product can help them*

8. “How do you make your money?”

Weird question, but some prospects are frank with questions like this.

Here’s why.

Some offers sound so outrageous that it almost seems as if they’re too good to be true. Any sound businessperson knows that if something is too go to be true, it could be a way of ripping them off.

When a prospect asks you this question it makes sense to tell them the truth.

sales objections

People who ask frank questions want frank answers.

And, if you give them the real answers they’re looking for you, that’s when they’ll start trusting you.

The thing is people know you’re running a business and that you’re making money.

9. “I’ll keep in touch”

How many times have you said this in the past just to be nice?

A lot, right?

When people say they’ll be in touch, there’s also a fine chance that they’re just putting you down easy so that you won’t feel bad.

Now, that’s alright. You have no control over that, but what you do have control over is how you reply to your prospects.

Here’s a good rebuttal to this sales objection:

“That sounds great, do you think you’ll be ready in the next quarter/half/month?

*Wait for them to respond*

May I ask how do you feel/see the next *time period* going for you?

The answer to that question should tell you if they’re still up for it or if they’re just trying to dodge you.

If they’re doing the latter, then it’s time to either slowly integrate them into a lead nurturing funnel, get to know them better, or send them a couple more concrete facts on how they can use your service to help them.

10. “I don’t know if this is going to make me money”

It sounds like they don’t want your product, but what they’re actually trying to say is:

“Show me the numbers so I can make a better decision!”

What you want to do at this point is to be as courteous as you can and tell them you’ll be preparing a formal quotation along with the possible numbers so that they can check out the ROI.

Make sure it’s as detailed as possible and that the math checks out for them.

Here’s a good script format for sales objections like these:

Let me send over the numbers today so that you can check out how it’s been boosting the revenues of our other clients.

If you have their email:

This is still your email, right? *Confirm their email address*

If you don’t have their email:

Is it alright if you give me your email address?

11. “I don’t trust you”

That’s fair.

This is especially true for prospects who you’re DM-ing or emailing cold.

How can they trust you if they first met you?

The only way to fix this is to accept it, build some rapport and invite them to check out what you’ve done in the past.

They’re already talking to you so you’ve got one foot through the door, now it’s time for you to show them what you’re worth.

“I totally understand you and I can’t blame you because I get calls/messages/emails like these, too.

It’s worse when you work with so-called ‘gurus’.

*then pick from the following messages:*

– But, how about this, why don’t I challenge you to check out our portfolio and how we work things out for our other clients?

– Can I ask, what part of the offer don’t you trust?

– How about if I get on a call with you so that we can figure out how we can work together?

12. “I don’t have time for this right now”

This is one of the more popular sales objections, and it’s pretty easy to do something about it.

Make sure you reschedule a call with the prospect.

Here’s a great way to do it.

That’s alright, sorry to bother you right now.

Are you fine with a quick call on *date* around *provide a couple of time slots*?

*Wait for response*

That sounds great, looking forward to speaking with you then!


P.S. I’ll send you a quick email as well so that you can get a quick background of our offer. *Confirm their email address*

13. “How much does it cost?”

When a prospect starts talking about price, it’s an indication of interest in what you’re offering.

This is a common belief in marketing, and more often than not, it’s true.

sales objections, How to Conquer Sales Objections: 15 Script Examples & Tactics

Regardless of their interest, you still need to be careful about how the conversation pans out.

Don’t sell them the most expensive thing you’re offering, try to take a more subtle approach. Half the time, they might say it’s too expensive – please check out the next section if this happens – and that’s perfectly fine.

That depends on what package we’re looking at, *prospect name*.

I can’t give you anything definite right until I get on a call with you to check on your needs.

Don’t worry, pricing does start at *give the minimum price* and we have packages*.

But, again, we can’t say for sure until our first call. Would you be free on *provide a date* at around *provide tentative times*.

I’d love to discuss this further and see if we can push prices lower!

14. “It’s expensive!”

One of our all-time favorites and one of the many sales objections that you can be creative with.

Before you proceed, you have to understand that most of the time this is just a reflex that your prospects have, and since we assume that they already asked for the price, you know that they’re interested.

The objection is not necessarily how expensive it is, but rather “does it provide value for my company?”

This is your chance to show your prospect how much they can grow using the solutions that you have for them.

You don’t want the conversation to focus solely on price, you’re not a broker.

sales objections, How to Conquer Sales Objections: 15 Script Examples & Tactics

The value is what matters here.

Here’s a sample script that you can easily throw back at them – with personalization of course.

The *industry pain point* can easily be solved using our solution’s *unique feature of your product* and I’d love to show you how you can leverage that for revenue growth.

Once you get that sorted out, the product practically pays for itself …and brings home revenue. Plus, we’re just talking about one feature here.

For example… *lead on with the value of the product*

Why don’t we get on a call this week to discuss this?

15. “I want to pitch my idea” (Applicable to Individuals or Smaller Organizations)

This happens a lot nowadays and even though it seems off, this isn’t a bad thing at all!

What happens if you’re selling to them and they suddenly want to sell to you?

Then, you revert the focus back to collaborating with them.

At the end of the day, you want to form a genuine connection with your potential customers, and part of that is listening to them and what they do.

You don’t have to buy into what they’re selling, but you need to get them to understand that you want to help them grow.

Here’s a sample script that’s worked wonders for us.

I love what you’re doing! *Talk about what you loved about their organization …and be genuine!*

That’s why I really wanted to reach out to you and help you get the business on the next level.

Why don’t we do this, let’s schedule a call for *provide a date for the call* around *provide tentative times*.

Does that sound good? We can talk about how we can help each other!

Other Notes

  • Don’t forget to personalize each message. You want to create messages that resonate with each prospects, this builds rapport and allows you create a bond with them.
  • On DMs, make sure add emojiis and make it fun! ? Nobody wants to deal with people that are too serious on casual platforms for communication. Not only is it annoying but it also sucks the life out of a conversation.
  • Be careful not too sound like a bot. The truth is a lot of marketers have started botting out their cold outreach that some people on DMs are a little too reluctant to deal with you because they feel like they’re not talking to a real person. be natural and follow the flow of conversation.
  • Don’t be afraid to walk away from the lead if they’re really not buying into your product.
  • …but don’t remove them from your list just yet, you can always throw them into a cold lead list and contact them when you finally find a good product fit for them. Remember, don’t waste your leads.

Takeaways When Dealing With Sales Objections

Pay attention to your prospects’ sales objections.

As you can see from all the examples and tactics we’ve outlined above, there are specific reasons why they don’t want to purchase a solution from you and you have to learn to read between the lines to address them.

Learn to do your research before reaching out.

Sometimes they won’t even tell you they can’t afford it, but if you check out their profile you’ll find that they’re not a large enterprise with the cash to spend. You need to adapt your approach and/or solutions accordingly.

But, don’t just listen to respond properly to their sales objections.

Listening also helps you with your relationship with them.

You get to learn about how they work and they get to see you not as a vendor, but as a partner who truly wants to help them fix their problems through the products and services that you provide.

The only way to grow is through real relationships with your prospects.

About the Author

The name's Houston Golden. I'm the Founder & CEO of BAMF — a company I've grown from $0 (yes, really) to well over $5M+ in revenue over a span of 5 years.

How did I do it? Well, it's quite simple, really. I've helped hundreds of business owners and executives get major traction (because when they win, we win), I tell all on this blog.

Growth hacking is a state of mind. Follow along as I explore and expose the unknown growth strategies and tactics that will change the way you think about marketing.
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