How to Repurpose LinkedIn Posts: Easy, Unified SMM Campaigns

How to Repurpose LinkedIn Posts: Easy, Unified SMM Campaigns

written by Houston Golden
Founder & CEO, BAMF Media
January 23rd, 2021
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You’re not going to have fresh ideas all the time.

Trust me.

Imagine having to post fresh content on multiple social networks day-in and day-out for months on end.

You’ll eventually run out of steam.

But, here’s what.

We’ve found out that you shouldn’t even be posting different types of content on your social networks.

The trick is to repurpose your content and today we’ll show you how.

Why You Should Repurpose LinkedIn Posts?

Repurposing LinkedIn content still requires you to make a number of adjustments depending on the platform you will be posting to.

However, the main purpose and body of the content still remain the same.

Here’s a couple of reason why we’ve always advocated for repurposing your LinkedIn posts.

Streamlining Your Content Across Multiple Platforms

If you can create different types of fresh content for both your Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Twitter accounts, then that’s great, but most of the time it helps to streamline the content release across multiple platforms.

It allows for your organization to have a seamless release of content across multiple platforms.

This in turn shows your brand to be consistent and professional.

Say you’re running a competition or a giveaway, it would make more sense to host the same giveaway on multiple platforms than run different ones depending on the platform.

Also, if you don’t get your content in front of someone on LinkedIn, you can rest assured that you can get to them on a different platform.

Resource Savings

Crafting brand new content takes time and effort, and that costs resources.

Say you manage three distinct social media accounts and it takes you about two to three hours to craft fresh content, that’s a total of at least six hours a week.

Compare that to using one piece of content and simply changing out the content for each platform.

That’s a time savings of at least 60 percent.

It Allows Your Creative Muscles to Rest

As I’ve mentioned earlier in the article, you won’t always have fresh ideas on hand, and trying to hack out consistently for multiple social media profiles can burn out even the most tenacious growth hacker.

Repurposing allows you to pace yourself and not over-exert your creative muscles.

You Focus on Content That Converts

When you’re first starting out to repurpose LinkedIn posts for other platforms, you already have enough data on hand to know which posts you should be prioritizing.

This gives you a lot of leverage in other networks as you’ve already had data on what types of posts have had the most engagement or popularity.

The Quick Way to Repurpose


Start with an audit of all the content that you’ve posted on LinkedIn, we’ll use this as a starting point.

You want to prioritize content that’s had the most engagement. Take a note of these posts, they’re your star posts.

Alternatively, if you have a lot of material on your LinkedIn, get a VA to take a look at everything and organize accordingly.


You don’t have to do much to the original content, but the caption has to go.

Remember, each social network has a different demographic so the caption or the graphic has to appeal to them.

Start with your demographic in mind.

You also don’t have to write much. 100 – 150 words on LinkedIn and Facebook should be more than enough, and Twitter should only contain a piece of great marketing copy with your link.


If this is the first time you’re doing this then you’ll have a lot of content in store for those days where your other non-LinkedIn accounts are having quiet days.

The aim is to schedule a streamlined content release with each LinkedIn post in the future on your other social accounts.

You can post your LinkedIn content store in other accounts in between.

Tracking Your Different Channels

At BAMF, we always say, “you can’t growth hack if you don’t track.”

And, this is something that translates even to your content repurposing efforts.

If you have a type of content like a lead magnet that you’re repurposing for multiple networks, it makes sense to track each one.

You can use this data to leverage your growth and understand how people engage with the content that you put out.

You can easily create UTMs for each post depending on where it was published.

repurpose linkedin posts, How to Repurpose LinkedIn Posts: Easy, Unified SMM Campaigns

This allows you to benchmark your performance on each network and check what type of repurposed content works well with what. After doing that, you can now drill down on the types of content you should be focusing on.

But, there’s a catch.

Just because something doesn’t work on Facebook but has had massive success on LinkedIn doesn’t mean you should change out your strategy altogether.

You can simply just stop repurposing those types of content on Facebook, but continue posting it on LinkedIn.


We have dozens of these examples on our social media accounts.

With a simple caption change, you can do wonders.

repurpose linkedin posts, How to Repurpose LinkedIn Posts: Easy, Unified SMM Campaigns
repurpose linkedin posts, How to Repurpose LinkedIn Posts: Easy, Unified SMM Campaigns
repurpose linkedin posts, How to Repurpose LinkedIn Posts: Easy, Unified SMM Campaigns

repurpose linkedin posts, How to Repurpose LinkedIn Posts: Easy, Unified SMM Campaigns

As you can see, there’s not a lot that’s different between these posts, and with a little tweaking, you can easily get great content on each platform.


Releasing fresh content is great, but it’s not always the most sustainable method.

By repurposing content, you don’t only save time and effort, but you also get to show your prospects that your brand follows a streamlined strategy when it comes to how consistent posts are even on different platforms.

Another great benefit to repurposed LinkedIn posts is the fact that you can reach people who didn’t happen to see your post on LinkedIn.

This increases the surface area of your marketing campaign.

About the Author

The name's Houston Golden. I'm the Founder & CEO of BAMF — a company I've grown from $0 (yes, really) to well over $5M+ in revenue over a span of 5 years.

How did I do it? Well, it's quite simple, really. I've helped hundreds of business owners and executives get major traction (because when they win, we win), I tell all on this blog.

Growth hacking is a state of mind. Follow along as I explore and expose the unknown growth strategies and tactics that will change the way you think about marketing.
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