The Full Guide to Scheduling Posts on LinkedIn

The Full Guide to Scheduling Posts on LinkedIn

written by Houston Golden
Founder & CEO, BAMF Media
March 26th, 2023
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The secret to a successful LinkedIn posting campaign?


And, how do you do makes sure you have constant activity?

You have to post in a timely manner.

But, here’s the thing.

Half the time, we don’t have the bandwidth to keep posting at exact times during the day. You’re either caught up with your clients or doing other activities that make

In this week’s guide, we want to give you the lowdown on scheduling posts on LinkedIn and getting yourself the attention you deserve.

The Importance of Timely LinkedIn Posts

So, why should you be posting on LinkedIn in a timely manner?

It’s for engagement.

If you want people to notice you, take you into account, and start working with you, they need to see posts where you’re talking about things that matter and provide them with ample value.

The more you post, the more likely it is for people to want to connect with you and keep you top of their minds when they finally want to buy in into what you’re offering them.

Here’s another thing.

LinkedIn’s algorithm favors freshness.

Now read that again.

A lot of people – including the team over here at BAMF – have been constantly observing the LinkedIn algorithm over the years. And, although it’s incredibly complex, dynamic, and constantly being updated. We’ve seen one common denominator.

It loves fresh content.

Do you know what can beat out a trending post?

Another trending post.

If you want more engagement and more eyeballs on what you’re doing, you need to keep posting.

This also provides you with another benefit, if you’re the type of person who has a small team – or is starting out with no team – and has creative surges, you can create all your posts in one go and schedule them to go out during the week.

Now isn’t that a more efficient use of your time?

Plus, if you have a content calendar that you’re using with the rest of your team, this allows you to plan your entire content campaign in a unified manner. Thus, maximizing the effects of what you do!

How to Schedule Posts on LinkedIn

If you don’t have a fancy LinkedIn scheduling tool, that’s perfectly fine.

We now have access to a native feature that helps you with scheduling posts on LinkedIn at any time.

Step 1. Head over to your LinkedIn homepage

Step 2. Click on the button that says “Start a post”

Step 3. Add in your post, and make sure you add all your other post enhancers such as images or video.

Step 4. Click on the clock icon – “Schedule for later” button

scheduling posts on linkedin, The Full Guide to Scheduling Posts on LinkedIn

Step 5. Pick a date and time for the scheduled post.

scheduling posts on linkedin, The Full Guide to Scheduling Posts on LinkedIn

Step 6. Click on “Next”

Step 7. Make sure your post is good to go

Step 8. Click on “Schedule”

scheduling posts on linkedin, The Full Guide to Scheduling Posts on LinkedIn

And, just like that, you’re good to go!

Notes and Best Practices for Scheduled LinkedIn Posts

As with all features that are baked into LinkedIn, they all come with certain parameters that you have to take advantage of so that you can make the most out of them.

  • Make sure that you are scheduling posts whenever your audience is the most active. You see you can’t just post at random times during the week, you have to make sure that your audience is active. Posting on Monday at 9.30 am doesn’t make sense if most of your audience is stuck in a meeting. Take into account when your audience is most active on the platform.

Read more: When is the best time to post on LinkedIn? (Not Monday)

  • Timezones matter. Are you the type of organization that has clients all over the world or a different timezone? Well then, make sure you’re posting on active times in their time zone. If all your clients are on the east coast and you’re in California, you can’t schedule them for active times in the West, you’ve got to catch them during their times.
  • This is more of a personal tip, but tend to avoid posting at times that are too mechanical, e.g. 8.00 am, noon, etc. Try posting at more natural times so that it doesn’t seem like a computer, try scheduling them 5-7 minutes after a whole number. Don’t be afraid to try 12.03 pm for instance.
  • You can only schedule posts for up to 3 months or 90 days at a time. So make sure you plan accordingly.
  • It will be helpful to have a content calendar on the side so you can plan out your posts accordingly.
  • You can access all the posts that you have scheduled by going back to the post scheduler and clicking on “View all scheduled posts”.
scheduling posts on linkedin, The Full Guide to Scheduling Posts on LinkedIn
  • The success of your posts is dependent on your content, so spend time creating content that adds value to your prospects. How do you do this? We’ve written a number of guides on this site on how to create content that works, but what you have to keep in mind are these two things:
    • Make sure it has value
    • Make sure it elicits emotion

Read more: How to Create Viral Posts on LinkedIn: 4 Real Examples From Our Influencer Program

Takeaways from Scheduling Posts on LinkedIn

Scheduling LinkedIn posts is an extremely powerful tool to make sure your content is always fresh.

It helps take your personal efficiency and productivity to the next level and it allows you to save precious time that could be spent doing other things such as taking care of your clients.

Also, the other added benefit is that it helps you plan out your content for up to 90 days at a time this means there is no chance for you to forget about posting.

Here’s the key takeaway.

You need to make sure that you are visible to your prospects.

If you aren’t, you don’t keep top of mind and that’s dangerous.

People who get seen a lot get chosen.

How do we know this?

Our clients that get more views, get more sales calls.

Now let that sink in.

About the Author

The name's Houston Golden. I'm the Founder & CEO of BAMF — a company I've grown from $0 (yes, really) to well over $5M+ in revenue over a span of 5 years.

How did I do it? Well, it's quite simple, really. I've helped hundreds of business owners and executives get major traction (because when they win, we win), I tell all on this blog.

Growth hacking is a state of mind. Follow along as I explore and expose the unknown growth strategies and tactics that will change the way you think about marketing.
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