Let’s face it. It’s difficult to consistently come up with original content.
However, there are lots of ways where you can leverage old content to create pieces that do great for your rankings and still work great in bringing in organic leads that you can use for conversion.
In this short guide, we’ll show you what you can do to look at your old content and harness it to create exceptional pieces that keep your audience captivated.
Looking for Old Content
The first thing you have to do is to look for old content that’s done well in the past and start breaking it down into its essential parts.
We usually look at two things: Google Analytics and insights into social media boosted content that has done remarkably well.
The reasoning behind this is simple; you want content that converts on its own, and you want a piece that can/may go viral on social media.
This guarantees that you’re bringing in new visitors (leads) to your website.
Try generating a report on Google Analytics and check out which pages have gotten the most hits, after that look at the traffic sources, if it’s high on organic or social media, then you have a contender.
What’s important is that you also use a point of comparison and check out if a piece of content experienced what you would call a “fluke” with the number of views that it has. You can’t repurpose something that got a lot of views just because of an isolated event – it just doesn’t work that way.
Once you’ve picked a piece, you’re ready to move to the next step.
Repurposing It
The best way to repurpose an article?
Grow it.
Here’s a secret that a lot of guest bloggers use if they want to get published by an organization. They check out what content ranks well on the host site, and they find a way to add to it and refresh it.
This means “Top 10 tips” turn into “Top 11 tips”, and so on.
There are even times where dates are merely refreshed to reflect the current year from “best chrome extensions 2019” you can build “best chrome extensions of 2020”
However, that’s not enough because you don’t just want to do that, you want to provide even more value.
Here’s what we do.
Redirect It
The first thing you want to do is to check if you can add a new angle to the old piece of content.
Off the bat, you could target a new audience or market, but this could be tricky if you want the article to do favorably again. You might not know if your new market will dig the content.
One method is to dissect the old content for a newer setting or take a new significant development in the industry and rewrite it with the end goal of solving that particular problem.
Grow It
After picking your angle, you should aim to grow it. That means adding more points if it’s of the listicle type or just simply adding other strategies.
By doing this, you get to keep old keywords in the title, and at the same time, it comes off as an exhaustive article, even if it’s been covered before.
Think about it, when you pick a list-type article, don’t you always go for the longer ones?
Refresh It
Most of the stuff that’s in your old article will probably be dated, and this is where some research is required. It’s just fact-checking at this point, but make sure you also rearrange the article and add a new structure while you’re at it.
Make It Actionable
This is our favorite part.
Everybody likes explainer articles, but people like guides even better because you get to let newbies in on how they can roll with the experts.
All the articles we publish have to be actionable, and this means that they need to be usable by everyone who comes across them.
Making articles actionable isn’t as hard as it seems, you just have to add instructions, screenshots and give your audience something that they can truly use to make their lives better.
This turns even the oldest articles into lead magnets because people want something that adds value.
In fact, even if you don’t follow the other points that we’ve discussed, you can fare reasonably well by just making things actionable.
As an added benefit, articles that are actionable tend to dissect topics even further and are actually a theme on their own.
Boosting It
Don’t just stop by publishing, if you want to truly repurpose and republish content, make sure that you build links to it and promote it.
This means putting it on your social media platforms and getting the buzz going on.
You can even tell your current market outright that you’ve got a brand new guide that’s a refresher on something that they all enjoyed in the past.
This works well in getting the article moving.
Tracking It
You’re not done yet.
What you have to do is to make sure that you track it. Check out how it’s performing on Google Analytics, so you have an idea if it works or not.
This sets the bar for your other repurposed articles.
Taking your old content and repurposing it does wonders to a lot of aspects of your content strategy.
It takes less toll on your content team, saves time, and it’s a great way to generate buzz for your website.
However, the best thing about repurposing old content is knowing that it can still work to generate new leads for your business.
Here’s what.
Sometimes you don’t have to create something new but instead, focus on what works and take that to the next level.
Happy content hunting and growth hacking!
Make sure to comment below with your content repurposing tricks and let me know if the guide was helpful. Looking forward to reading your comments! Hit me up, I’m here to respond.