LinkedIn posts are the best way to bring in organic traffic for your brand.
They stimulate emotions and allow for organic reactions, and they’re your best bet for virality.
Not only are they great if you want to get people to buy into the solutions that you offer, but you can also leverage them for brand awareness and influencer marketing.
But, here’s the thing.
There are special ways to structure your LinkedIn text post.
Today, I want to break down the different LinkedIn post structures that you can use on the platform to keep your prospects interested, reach more people, and put you in a position to go viral. These are the LinkedIn post structures that can help elevate your LinkedIn marketing.
Buckle up, this is going to be a long one.
1. Transformational Posts
One of the best LinkedIn post structures for virality is the transformation post.
The basics of a transformation post are simple.
You show how a person, client, product, business, etc. used a particular process or method to undergo a complete change for the better.
The best way to do this is with a combination text and image post.
You need two photos, one of the subject before the transformation and the next of the subject undergoing a complete 180 in the way they do things. It would help if you used the same backdrop or setting to show the growth of the subject, and to give readers an anchor point.
For example, the first photo could be of the business failing in a particular location, the next photo could be of the business thriving with lots of customers taken in the same way in the same location. This shows your readers that there was progress while everything else remained the same.
Next, you want to work on the post.
Start with an emotional pitch that targets feelings of hopelessness, you want to take people on a journey that they’re familiar with when they’re first starting out or when they thought all was gone – remember they could be feeling that right now.
The middle or “meat” of the story should be the turning point or why they decided “enough was enough”, and what they did to fix their problems.
Once you’re done with this, end it on a really high note. Talk about where the subject is right now, what they’re earning, and the lessons they’ve learned.
Now the subject doesn’t necessarily have to be about your company, you can talk about your clients, their clients, or even other businesses that have inspired you over the years.
Note: you can also do reverse transformation posts where you show how the reverse happened and how a company or business is suffering now. If you do this you have to be really careful not to come off as a growth hacker that is putting another company down.
An example would be showing companies that weren’t able to adapt to new changes in the industry and have suffered a complete decline because of that. You want to end these posts in a hopeful manner as well to inspire people.
Why does this work?
This works because it brings back your prospects to a time where they were struggling and makes them look forward to the future. If they’re in the same – or almost the same – place as in the “before” part of your post, they’ll be encouraged to want to work with someone to get the job done.
That person they would want to work with could be you!
2. Featured Person Posts
Another great post structure is the featured post, this is basically a post that is centered on a person that you want to congratulate, draw inspiration from or talk about. They are usually tagged in the main body of the post or sometimes the comments.
As for images, you can use them to draw people in. Choose a photo that’s bubbly or extremely candid, make sure that the featured person is alright with this and that they look good in the pic.
There are two main types of LinkedIn post structure for featured person posts.
The first is the normal “congratulations post”, you want to call out people on the major milestones that they have in life, and we’re not just talking about their birthdays. This could be career changes, new sales, or growth in any area of their life. It’s pretty straightforward and could be less than a hundred words long.
The second, more powerful type, deals with combining a tagged person with any of the other strategies mentioned in this guide. So this means you tag a person and you talk about their story with the purpose of inspiring other people who are reading the post.
You can talk about how they transformed themselves, achievements, pain points, struggles, and challenges, but it has to end on an inspiring note congratulating the featured person and highlighting how you can be like them.
Why does this work?
This can be used to bring about virality if you pair it up with an inspiring message or another post type on our list.
Regardless of whether you use it for that or just to say thanks to an awesome colleague or client, it works well to bring about brand awareness and showcase your corporate culture. People are naturally drawn to people who are generous whether it be to their resources or with their praises.
Another great thing about these posts is that there is a high possibility that the persons in them will also share the post on their own platforms opening the doors to a larger reach.
However, you have to make sure that you’re sincere with what you’re doing, people know when you’re just using them for clout.
3. Guide Posts
Do you want to post something that can help with lead nurturing, engage your prospect, and add to your credibility as a LinkedIn influencer?
Then, guide posts are the way to go.
Guide posts are any posts designed to educate your target audience about a certain topic that they could be interested in. It could be an instructional, a guide, a resource, or even a tool that you would want to give them access to.
However, it comes with a major consideration.
The guide post has to be actionable.
This means that they can actually use it to solve their pain points or to be more efficient with whatever it is that they are doing.
Technically you can make a guide about anything and still look like an expert on a subject, but the problem is will it be relevant to your viewership on the platform?
Relevancy helps drive engagements and it creates messaging that resonates with the people you’re connected to. The more your messages resonate with people, the more you can develop indirect rapport with them making it easier for you to contact them when you need to in the near future.
Pair it With a Gated Giveaway
Want to turn it into a direct lead generation funnel?
Gate the content you’re giving out.
You can just post the title of your “giveaway” add a photo of it, and request that your prospect add you on LinkedIn, comment, or send you a direct message if they want access to your giveaway.
Why does this work?
People like stuff that’s free.
This is especially true if it’s a freebie that can help them with their current problems.
If you can fix someone’s problem you’re automatically in their good graces and you need this if you want to market to them in the future.
The plus side of all of this is that you’re seen as a thought leader so the things you say are given more weight.
4. Motivational Posts
Another one of our favorite types of LinkedIn post structure is the motivational post.
They’re the types of posts that usually blow up because they encourage people to be better and they really work at the core of someone’s emotions.
Nowadays, motivational posts might not even be recognized because we are so saturated with them. However, there are ways of dealing with this problem.
First of all, you want to use storytelling in your post, you can use a mundane observation post into, a video, a personal story to get them to start reading what you have to say.
Next, you want to draw motivation from that story itself, this makes the post more genuine and realistic because it’s based on a reflection.
Lastly, you want to get them to engage with the post so that they feel like they’re part of the movement.
Doing this will help you take your normal motivation post and turn it into a great one.
Also, don’t shy away from shorter motivational posts if you have to.
As long as they hit hard, you know you’ve got something great on your hands.
Why does this work?
People work in mundane jobs where they need an extra boost to keep them going.
That’s why the “motivational industry” has always been a large one.
Most of the time they browse LinkedIn or other social media platforms as a form of relief during their 9 to 5s and a little motivation goes a long way in getting them to work harder or just get through the day.
The only problem with motivational posts is that they’re so overused that you have to be highly specific with the type of motivation that you use and the storytelling behind it.
Your readers don’t want a rehash of what another popular blog has to say or a copy of an Instagram post. They want something real, something that they can truly relate to.
5. Non-Conformist Posts
One controversial LinkedIn post structure type is the non-conformist post and the short version is that it works.
Do you have an opinion that goes against the tide?
Something that challenges the status quo?
Then, voice it out on LinkedIn.
Yes, you can do that.
For example, if you feel like a mainstream marketing idea doesn’t really deliver as much as the hype around it suggests, you can call it out and offer your own opinion.
Calling out something popular establishes your presence on LinkedIn because it shows people that you do your own research and analysis. If your opinion is a good one, you might even add points to your LinkedIn influencer strategy.
But, here’s the thing.
You don’t want to do it all the time nor do you want to do it with more personal opinions such as political views or any topic where the opposing opinions are polarizing and each side is emotional.
Do it with marketing ideas or personal growth habits and you’ll be good to go.
You want to offer an opinion and people love that. However, you don’t want to alienate a group of prospects because of a more personal and hard-hitting view.
Why does this work?
The non-conformist post works because people naturally like controversy and posting a non-conformist opinion is always going to be controversial.
This is the reason why celebrity gossip is always popular, it offers a different, often secretive view of someone popular.
As much as they want to conform, people also like being unique and recognized for it, so one way of being able to be unique is to listen to contrarian opinions.
So post your contrarian opinions and avoid sensitive topics and you’re good to go.
6. Comparison Posts
When do we read comparison posts online?
Usually when we want to make a decision but we don’t want to spend the time doing intense research regarding one particular topic.
A comparison post on LinkedIn is different from a transformational post because you can use it to compare two or more different solutions of equal footing, schools of thought, or even marketing plans.
You start with a statement of the problem and start highlighting possible solutions.
Go through each solution briefly and state the pros and cons of making an exclusive decision with regard to one – just as you would with a listicle.
However, the most critical part of a comparison post is the manner in how you end it.
You need to make a solid decision at the end so that your prospects don’t have to make one, this way you’re pretty much doing the work for them.
Want an interesting twist?
Add a very personal opinion about what you would like best.
We’ve seen posts end with a completely different choice altogether and that’s always a great ending because you leave people in shock and wanting more of what you have to offer.
Why does this work?
A comparison post can help people make a decision. If you’re able to help them do that, you’ve already built rapport and industry knowledge automatically with simple comparison posts.
You take the mental load out of their lives and you’re subconsciously telling them that you can help them out when it comes to difficult decisions.
Plus, it’s also a great time for you to showcase your knowledge on a subsector of your niche or the way your organization handles particular solutions.
7. Analytical Posts
One great LinkedIn post structure that you can play with is analytical posts.
All you have to do is pick a topic that you’re familiar with and offer your take on it.
Sometimes it doesn’t even have to be about a topic, you can simply analyze industry-related news and publish what you think about a new trend or solution that’s being marketed.
These types of posts are great for experts in the same industry that you’re catering to, they make you come off as someone who is an expert in the field. This is helpful if you’re trying to establish yourself as an industry leader or influencer.
It’s one of those posts that don’t require a lot of creativity and are easily deployable if you’re in a pinch and need something launched as soon as possible.
Why does this work?
They might not be the most emotional pieces out there, but they work because people on the platform are there because they want to improve their skills.
Most people on LinkedIn are interested in posts that make them a better person and add to their knowledge of the industry. What better way to do this that with posts that deal with analysis.
8. Mundane Observation Posts
What separates a mundane observation post from the rest of the pack?
It starts with normalcy and ends with something profound.
Usually, you start with a quick observation in your everyday life, something that people can relate to like the traffic getting to work, being late to a meeting, bad coffee, etc. then you use that as a spark to start thinking about the more profound things in life that lead to a great epiphany about how things work.
By using something so mundane as a plot device to tell people about something inspiring, you get to hook people in any elicit an emotional response with them.
The result is a message that sticks and a call to action that feels real.
We’ve created a lot of posts that use this type of intro that have gone to go viral because we were able to elicit a certain reaction from people.
Why does this work?
People can relate.
Your reader goes through the same problem, in fact, they could have gone through it in the same morning, and if you lead with that you automatically get them hooked on what you want to say.
A first-time reader will be surprised that you’re talking about something mundane that they’ll be curious enough to read through the entire post.
Once that happens and they get to the end, they end up feeling emotional, inspired and ready to the face the world.
This is one of the best ways to build rapport with people because they start seeing you as one of them. Someone who isn’t immune to the hassles and realities of life.
Nothing is more relatable than a mundane observation post.
9. Invitational Posts
These are simple posts that have one purpose: to invite your prospects to do something with you.
It could be anything from a webinar invite, podcast, to try out a new piece of software that you have or to join a Facebook group.
As long as you’re inviting them to join something, it can be considered an invitational post.
We love these because they’re very effective in what they do, as long as your offer provides them with some sort of value.
Find out how to create an offer that always converts for your strategy!
The only thing you have to note that it has to be an invitation to something that’s worth value to your prospects.
Why does this work?
The more valuable the invitation, the more it will work to your favor.
It’s all dependent on what your prospect will get out of your offer.
Remember an invite is only as powerful as the event/offer.
Can I Use This Method on Other Platforms?
You can use these LinkedIn post structures on Facebook and other social media platforms of your choosing.
They work well because they don’t just deal with the structure itself, but with the emotions you’re trying to elicit from your prospects.
That’s what critical and not template or type itself.
You want to structure the emotions you want the prospects to feel when they interact with or read your post.
These LinkedIn post structure types are great if you’re planning out a content strategy or if you want a solid plan for virality.
However as with everything related to organic traffic, you need to test these posts out and see if they gain you traction. If they don’t, then you need to be flexible enough to determine what went wrong and tweak accordingly.
Almost remember this.
It’s not about what you’re writing about, but rather the emotions of that you’re trying to convey.
That’s the only way to go viral.
But more importantly, that’s the only way to make a connection with your prospects.
And, you need that for growth.