Faisal Hoque's
Case Study

Client Company: Shadoka
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The Numbers

Averaging 500 Connections, 100K impressions monthly
lift in content views
total content views
connection acceptance rate

The Challenge

Faisal Hoque is one of the most remarkable individuals you will ever meet. Not only does he hold a number of awards from Deloite, Thinkers40 and Nautilus, but he is also a WSJ bestselling author and the founder of Shadoka, an organization that enables sustainable capabilities.

He was primed to become a Key Opinion Leader on LinkedIn, and all he needed was a partner.

When Faisal first joined us, he had two missions.

  1. He needed to make sure that he was reaching his audience with thought leadership
  2. He needed to make sure that the pipeline was filling up with people who wanted to collaborate with him

We’re proud to say that we made sure both his missions were more than just fulfilled.


The Results

Right off the gates, we recorded at least 2 million content impressions – in just a one-year period, this turned out to be an uplift of 34,853% which not only made sure his content was getting to his audience, but also allowed him to extend his reach to likeminded audiences. This was also apparent with the followers count where he averaged around 500 new connections a month – totaling to 6,631 added to his 5,222 when he started.

For outreach, even with a connection rate of 27 percent, he was still able to record a reply rate of 51%. This means that out of the people we reached out to, 51 percent were willing to engage with him.

Needless to say, he didn’t just fulfill both his missions with us.

He was able to take it a step further and her is now one of the prominent voices in his niche.

Unlock the power of LinkedIn and take your business to new heights with BAMF. Our proven strategies for creating engaging content and building meaningful connections will help you become a LinkedIn Influencer.

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Standing out with Profile Optimization



A well-crafted LinkedIn Profile can make a world of a difference. We'll position you as an industry leader with a polished presnce so you can present yourself in the best light and attract qualified, ready-to-convert leads.

Content that Attracts Potential Clients

Our content uses attention-grabbing, emotional keywords that are sure to bring thousands of eyes to your profile and business. Your stories will provide an emotional connection that your readers will releate and empathize with as we reach out and start meaningful conversations with them.


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Outbound Prospecting to Spark Conversations

Acceptance Rate
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